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Atlas metal shaper cross feed gear case #S7-23D

This is the part that normally breaks on the table feed... part # S7-23D. They are no long available thru Clausing/Atlas and are rare as hen's teeth. A bit ago I thought I'd see about making one up as it's been snowing. So I took a chunk of T6511 plate and tossed it on the bench and transposed the dimensions from my case on to it and went about machining. This was done old school with a Mill... Rotary Table and a Lathe. After I finished it up I placed it on my 1942 Atlas War Service Shaper and it worked flawlessly. So what to do with it now... I could stick it in a drawer but what good would that do.. if I need one I know now I can always make another. So I thought why not offer it to someone in need of it to fix their broken shaper.
It has that art deco look to it... but is not an exact replica of the original. Has R (right) - L (left) stamped on it.
The under belly... it has the center detent hole in but you'll need to pick up a small 1/8' ball and spring for it.
As well as a 5/8" OD 1/2" ID oilite bushing... TSC has them for a couple of bucks... as I need mine.
Now I did not drill the 1/8" oil holes out but did center punch them... figured once you placed the bushing you'd drill it.
And if you want to get a small ball oiler for the paw end you can or just put it a felt plug if you like.
Now if you need the paw and the selector cam... let me know. I can give you a little drawing with dimensions.

Atlas metal shaper cross feed gear case #S7-23D