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12+ light sussex chicken hatching eggs

The Light Sussex originated in the county of Sussex, England, where they were prized as a table fowl. They are somewhat new to the US but are gaining in popularity and for good reason. They are a wonderful dual purpose breed. Hardy, dependable layers which also provide a good carcass for meat making them ideal for the backyard flock. In my experiences with this breed they are proving to be one of the sweetest, friendliest, beautiful, non aggressive birds I've ever owned. Can't say enough good about them!
I now have my 2 best roos from Greenfire Farms over my hens. Approximately half the chicks will be pure Greenfire Farms. The other half will be a cross between Greenfire and Landoftobe. There have been excellent hatches from these eggs. Fertility and hatchability have been awesome! You can view more pics of my birds on my website: http://WebStarts.com/prairieoasispoultry

12+ light sussex chicken hatching eggs 12+ light sussex chicken hatching eggs 12+ light sussex chicken hatching eggs 12+ light sussex chicken hatching eggs