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Patent for sell - boiler's cleaning by wave generator

The licensee is ready to make a license agreement for the method of a boilers cleaning from ash-slad and carbon-black sediments during a routine operation.
The method is based on use of shocking wave generators.
Such generators operate on more than 500 boilers in Russia where their excellent performance having been appreciated during many years.
A use of the shocking wave generator will increase en efficiency of boilers, reduce pollution effects and improve maintenance of boilers.
The shocking wave generator is an industrial product; it has a certificate of conformity and a Rostechnadzor license.
The patent is registered in Russian Federation.
Patent #RU2365846 (ISSUED August 27, 2009). (see photo#2)
It is well known that all boilers using various fuels have the pipelines, which are covered by ash-slad and carbon-black sediments during a routine operation. Prescribed systems of the boilers cleaning (air, steam, gas impulse) do not provide effective cleaning of surfaces even at their proper use.
The method of cleaning of the boilers with use of a shocking wave generator allows the following:
to perform effective and fast cleaning of the heated surfaces directly in the operated boilers with minimal time taken;
to decrease a temperature of outgoing gases on 5 60 ;
to decrease the resistance of the gas pipelines of the boiler that provides nominal operation mode of the draught-blowing devices;
to eliminate a seasonal maintenance of disassembling, cleaning and assembling of heated surfaces;
to obtain a significant fuel savings while regular use of the generator.
Moreover, such method allows also to clean the internal surfaces of a pipe heater from a crust.
It is possible to clean all types of the boilers, as from small one up to large energy boilers.
GUV38PMD shock wave generator (see photo#1).
The portable GUV38PMD generators are equipped with remote and mechanical drives for the shocking waves generation; the stationary one are equipped by electric drives with electrically safe voltage up to 24 V.
Stationary GUV38PMD generators are used for cleaning of the heated surfaces of the energy boiler units, water heating boilers of large capacity, electrical filters and regenerative air heaters. In such application the GUV38PMD generators are installed on the boiler units along the all gas pipelines as the system of several generators. The installation of the system of generators includes the following: finding the optimal points of shocking wave s inputs, placement of the generators in those points, connection to a power supply and a control panel assembling. Such peculiarities of shocking waves as volume and long-distance actions allow to use a few number of the generators even in the boiler units of large capacity. As a rule, the generators are placed in insets between the stages of the heated surfaces of the boiler units. Particularly, for cleaning of the stages of the convective steam heater the stationary generators are installed in the points identical to input points of deep inserted blowing devices which can be excluded in this case from the boiler units.
Heated surfaces cleaning is performed according to a cleaning regime card developed during a preliminary tests period. In the test process one establishes the following: sequence and frequency of the shocking wave generation along the boiler unit gas pipelines, reasonability of simultaneous shocking wave generations by several generators, powder value in energy charges.
Introduction of the shocking wave cleaning for the boiler units from outer ash-slad and carbon-black sediments allows the following:
to obtain an effective cleaning of the heated surfaces of the boiler units from deposits of various firmness;
to support lower temperature level of the outgoing gases and stable resistance of the pipelines what provides nominal operational mode of smoke exhausts;
to increase the average exploitation heat productivity that will decide the problem of heat energy deficiency;
to implement the surfaces cleaning in the operational boiler units. That will wide the possibility of sustaining the operating schedule of heat network due to elimination of the boiler unit stop for cleaning;
to eliminate inefficient cleaning devices and decrease the operational and maintenance personnel;
to eliminate a seasonal maintenance concerned with disassembling, cleaning and assembling of the heated surfaces in the operational period;
to decrease the environment pollution;
to achieve a considerable fuel savings, decrease auxiliary spending and increase production standards;
Application of the portable generator allows to perform cleaning of heated surfaces of all boil units of production and heating boilers.
Such shocking wave generators operate on more than 500 boilers in Russia where their excellent performance having been appreciated during many years.
This patent has a HUGE marketing potential! You can create you own World Business Company by the production of shocking waves generators for sell. Also you can sell license out to other companies that have interest.
This product was created by Russian scientists in Novosibirsk scientific center. Please visit our INNOVATIONS MARKET ( ) to find the another unique hi-tech products.

Patent for sell - boiler's cleaning by wave generator Patent for sell - boiler's cleaning by wave generator