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12 black jersey giant - chicken hatching eggs ~rare~

Black Jersey Giants are a great bird and impressive when you see them for the first time. They lay extra large brown to dark brown eggs, and lay fairly well for being a large breed. Named for their state of origin and their large size. Jersey Giants are the largest purebred chicken. Jersey Giants are extremely friendly, as they are good with pets, they like people, and the cocks are rarely mean.
These are not hatchery birds. I purchsed these birds from a gentleman who aquired them from a breeder in New Jersey. They are LARGE birds and very gentle. I have had the hatchery birds in the past and they do not compare in size to the birds I have now. There is nothing more impressive than seeing a flock of these birds in a field. They are exceptional animals and the larger size has become harder and harder to find. Help keep these birds around for a long time by getting a couple and allowing them to breed. Even if they aren't my eggs please get some. But beware there are plenty of people selling the smaller hatchery birds, so make sure you know what you are getting.

12 black jersey giant - chicken hatching eggs ~rare~